Friday, March 26, 2010

Republicans' Pre-Existing Condition? Not Likely.

When I approached this assignment to critique a blog, I decided to start with conservative ones and move to liberal ones if I didn't find anything that caught my interest. Then one story did on the blog, RedState. It's titled, "Republicans' Pre-Existing Condition" and hogan, the author, basically discusses how necessary it is for Republicans to call for a repeal of the new health care law. He accuses Republicans of being afraid to vy for its repeal mainly due to its "mandate [on] coverage of pre-existing conditions" because they either a) have a pre-existing condition or b) they are a politician and are afraid to be seen in opposition of the sick. He further argues that healthy people don't need a significant amount of healthcare, but sick people do and will be a greater risk. While that is true, isn't that why we have health insurance? To help us when we're sick? He does, however, propose other routes of paying for health insurance for the less able, which is one of the main issues many have with the new law. No one wants to pay for someone else's health care. The law isn't perfect, but it's a start. It will protect those that are in desperate need of healthcare from being dropped from their insurance because they become ill. Many people are dropped from their insurance each year and lose limbs or their lives to illnesses that could have been cured or treated, but weren't due to lack of insurance. He, hogan, makes his point to Republicans effectively, but as a liberal and someone who has seen the pain families can go through when they are denied health insurance or dropped from it, I have to argue that the healthcare law should definitely stay in place.

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