Friday, April 23, 2010

President Obama signs a good but unfair memorandum.

I have to admit that I am not too familiar with visitation regulations in hospitals because I have never had to visit anyone outside of my family in the hospital, but from what I have heard visits from anyone outside of a person's family is not permitted to visit a patient in critical condition. In Sarah's Government Blog, she talks about how President Obama recently signed a memorandum allowing homosexuals to have visits from people outside of their family. As someone that supports same-sex marriage, I am thrilled, but as someone that also supports equal rights for everyone, I am a bit disappointed. While I like that the partners of homosexual patients are now able to be there for their loved one, I have to argue why can't this right be extended to everyone? Why can't we all have EVERYONE that loves us, not just our families, the right to visit us when we are at our weakest? If we want equal rights for everyone, then we should all have the same rights. In a way, I agree with Sarah that this shows that President Obama wants to the right thing for everyone, I think that he could have gone about it in a way that truly shows that homosexuals deserve the same rights as everyone else. Giving them extra rights is not the way to gain the support of the nation for same-sex marriage. We are all equals as citizens of the United States, so we should all have equal rights.

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