Friday, May 14, 2010

Arizona: an example of how not to deal with illegal immigration.

I have to agree with Politically Curious' recent blog post — I bet Mexicans clean their house... — that Arizona's new law is completely ridiculous, and it also hits home for me as well. My mother and oldest brother came here 34 years ago and have lived here legally ever since. My mom has a very strong accent and would most likely have her citizenship taken into question. The law is insulting to all living here legally and to all vacationing here from foreign countries.
There is a lot of discussion on the possible economic pitfalls that could come with the spread of this law to more states. It's theorized that should the law spread to other states that many foreign countries will become wary of bringing their business here because of the fear of being unnecessarily questioned or hassled. Many areas that rely on the economic support of tourists and foreign business could end up feeling the effects of the immigration law financially, and not in a positive way.
The issue of illegal immigration needs to be dealt with, but not like this. Racial profiling is completely unavoidable through Arizona's law, and they have no right to go against the rights of U.S. citizens to privacy. There are better ways to deal with illegal immigration. Racial discrimination and the violation of the right to privacy are far from a solution.

1 comment:

  1. While reading my classmate’s blogs, I found one that caught my attention. The blog is by Shannon, and she talks about the new Arizona law SB1070. The reason why I choose to comment on this blog is because I’m also against this anti -immigrant law. What first caught my attention is when she says, “ My mom and oldest brother came here 34 years ago and have lived here legally since then. My mom has a very strong accent and would most have her citizenship taken in question.” I like this line because, like Shannon, my family has been here for almost 15 years, and they came legally, but many of them have strong accents, and if they went to Arizona, they probably would be detained because of their accents and skin color. Shannon in her blog also talks about how many areas of the United States rely on the businesses of tourists and foreign business and now that Arizona has implemented the SB1070 law, it could lead to great economy loss on their as a state. I think that if Arizona continues implementing anti- immigrant laws, this state could end up losing not just money but many of its hard- working immigrants.
