Friday, May 14, 2010

The U.S. Dollar and Facebook

In the article, "Foreign Policy: Why The U.S. Dollar Is Like Facebook," Daniel W. Drezner, the writer, uses Facebook and general social networking sites as a way to more effectively convey why he believes that the end of the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency is far from near. In the simplest of terms, he states “the U.S. dollar is the Facebook of hard currencies.”
He explains that both Facebook and the U.S. dollar are only as useful and powerful as the amount of people using it. He argues, “It doesn't matter if there's another site that's superior, unless everyone is willing to simultaneously switch over.” He also points out that without another place that everyone can and wants to move to that peoples are more reluctant to end their usage of a social networking site—the concept applies to the U.S. dollar. And at the moment, the Euro—the dollar’s biggest rival—is in trouble.
So, by comparing the U.S. dollar to Facebook, Drezner cleverly and clearly gets his positive opinion on the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency across. It's definitely worth reading if only to better understand the status of our currency in the world and the actions of people. Drezner's comparison is informative, interesting, and easy to understand.

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